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Hajj & Umrah

Physical Presence at ^Arafat (Integral)

The area of ^Arafat is located approximately twelve (12) miles east of Makkah. One must be physically present at any location in ^Arafat sometime (even for just a moment) between the zawal (after the sun crosses the middle of the sky towards the west) of the 9th of Dhul-Hijjah and the dawn of the 10th. This is a specific time for being present there. If one misses the time, one misses Hajj. The Prophet peace be upon him said:

الحج عرفة

It means: “ The greatest integral of Hajj is one’s presence in ^Arafat.

One can be standing, sitting, or carried, awake or asleep, or even just passing through without stopping. Being clear of the ritual impurities is not a condition for the validity of the integral of being at ^Arafat. Hence, the physical presence of a menstruating woman or a junub person is valid.

Some scholars said that it is a good, rewardable matter for one, on the way to ^Arafat, to say:

Allah, to You I direct my worship. O Allah, the Exalted, I do my act of obedience only for Your sake.

اللهم إليك توجّهت ولوجهك الكريم أردت

So make my sins forgiven, and my Hajj an accepted one.

فاجعل ذنبي مغفوراً وحجي مبروراً

Do not make me a loser. You have the Power over everything.

ولا تخيّبني إنك على كل شىء قدير

It is a good, rewardable matter for one on the way to ^Arafat to repeat the talbiyah a lot. It is sunnah to perform the purificatory bath (ghusl) before standing at ^Arafat. One goes to ^Arafat after the zawal and stays there until after maghrib.

It is sunnah for one to combine the Noon Prayer (Dhuhr) and the Mid-Afternoon Prayer (^Asr) and pray them together at the time of the Noon Prayer. At ^Arafat, it is better for the man to stand in the place the Prophet used to stand, that is at the large rocks at the base of Mount Rahmah, and for the women to stand at its edges, so that they do not crowd the men.

It is sunnah to be in the state of taharah while present at ^Arafat, and to face the Qiblah, feeling the fear of Allah in one’s heart and having it free from being concerned with the worldly matters.

One repeats often:

No one is God except AllahLa ilaha illallah .

لا إله إلا الله

Allah is clear of all non-befitting attributes. Subhan Allah

سبحان الله

Allah has the greatest status of all. Allahu Akbar

الله أكبر

May Allah raise the rank of Prophet Muhammad and protect his nation from that which he fears for them.

Sallallah-u ^ala Sayyidina Muhammadiwwa sallam

صلى الله على سيدنا محمد وسلم

As well, one asks for forgiveness from Allah, makes a lot of du^a’, and recites Qur’an, especially Surat al-Hashr.

One repeats often the dhikrNo one is God except Allah, Who has no partner. He is the One attributed with Dominion. He is the One Who deserves to be thanked and praised. He has Power over everything.

لا إله إلا الله وحده لا شريك له، له الملك وله الحمد وهو على كل شىء قدير

One should use this opportunity to make a lot of du^a’–starting by thanking and praising Allah, (al-hamdu lillah), and asking Him to raise the rank of Prophet Muhammad and to protect his nation from that which he fears for them (sall-allahu ^ala Muhammadiwwa sallam). One ends the du^a’ the same way.